Aktuelles   Einführung   Kirchliche Arbeit   Solidaritätsbekundungen   Aktionen   Buch   Diakoninnen   Priesterinnen   Bischöfinnen   katakombenweihe   Verfassung-Constitution   Presseerklärungen   Newsletter   Hirtinnenbrief   Klage   Neue Buecher   Exerzitien   Ausbildung   Links   woc   Photos   diakoninnenweihe-2002.Österreich   priesterinnenweihe-2002.Donau   Diakoninnenweihe-2004   Priesterinnenweihe-2005.Lyon   Weihe-St.-Lawrence-River.Canada-2005   Priesterinnenweihe-Schweiz-2006   Pittsburgh-Ordination-2006.php   USA-Mid-west-2008.php   Canada-West-2008.php   USA-East-2008.php   USA-West-California-2008.php   USA-West-Oregon-Ordination.php   USA-South-2008.php   Priesterinnenweihe-2017. Wisconsin, Aptos, California, Annapolis, Maryland, Catonsville, Maryland, Trondheim, Norway, Sylvania, Ohio, Albany, New York, Sarasota, Florida   Council 2017, RCWP-USA, July 11-14 The majority of RCWP-USA members will gather in Middleton, WI at Holy Wisdom Monastery from July 11-14 for Council 2017.php  

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G R U P P E  Rk  P R I E S T E R I N N E N
Frauen und Männer für die Gleichberechtigung der Frau in der rk Kirche
homepage: www.virtuelle-dioezese.de
mailto: priesterinnen@forestfactory.de

N E W S L E T T E R    P F I N G S T E N     20007

Liebe Freundinnen, Freunde, Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer,

in Kanada findet heute, am Pfingstsonntag 2007,

die Weihe von

Diakoninnen und Priesterinnen


Unter den Frauen, die zur Priesterin geweiht werden, befindet sich die
langjährige Vorsitzende von WOMEN'S ORDINATION WORLDWIDE (WOW)
Frau Marie Bouclin.

Marie Bouclin, eine hochqualifizierte Theologin, kämpft seit
Jahrzehnten für das Priesterinnenamt in der römisch-katholischen Kirche.
Sie war früher Nonne und Lehrerin an einem Gymnasium. 12 Jahre lang
arbeitete sie als Übersetzerin für religiöse und ethische Schriften. Sie
ist Vorsitzende des katholischen Netzwerks für die Gleichstellung der Frau
(CNWE). Im August 2006 wurde sie zur rk Diakonin geweiht.
In ihren Studien hat sie sich besonders mit Frauen beschäftigt, die von
Priestern missbraucht wurden. Sie ist Autorin des Buches: WOMEN DEALING

Z U R   W E I H E   I N   K A N A D A
hier Auszüge aus der


CONTACT: Nidza Vázquez: 703 352-1006 nvazquez@womensordination.org

"Five Roman Catholic Women to be Ordained in Toronto

Washington, D.C . — On Sunday, May 27, 2007, one Canadian and two American
women will be ordained as priests, and one American woman and two
Canadians (a man and a woman) will be ordained as deacons in the Roman
Catholic Church. The ordinations will take place in Toronto, Ontario, at
the West Hill United Church beginning at 3:00PM. A pass is required for
admission, and there will be a press conference after the ceremony. The
Women's Ordination Conference (WOC) supports these ordinations
wholeheartedly as one of the ways women are renewing the church.

“We support the women and men who are answering God’s call to make a
difference in the Catholic Church and society,” stated Aisha Taylor, WOC’s
Executive Director. “As we have seen with the women ordained in recent
years, Catholics are accepting them as priests and vibrant communities are
being formed. Catholic women are ministering to the needs that were not
being met, and together, these groups are working to improve their
communities and bring about social justice. This is changing the Church in
profound ways.”

For thirty-two years, WOC has advocated women's ordination in the Catholic
Church, with the mission of renewing the church by fully including women
and creating more just structures.

“The Vatican’s ban on ordaining women is not consistent with Jesus’
ministry and it is a form of sexism,” Taylor said. “It also contradicts
its own research; in 1976, the Pontifical Biblical Commission determined
that there is no scriptural reason to prohibit women’s ordination. We also
know of over 400 women who feel called by God to ordination. There is
every reason to ordain women and no sound reason not to,” continued Taylor.

“Once women are fully integrated into all aspects of the church, including
the ordained ministries, the entire church will be able to fully reflect
the glory and gifts of all God's people. Today, we celebrate and support
the brave people who are taking action now to make this a reality. They
are breaking the male-only boundaries within the Roman Catholic hierarchy
in order to transform it,” Taylor concluded.
Seien wir an diesem Pfingssonntag 2007 mit unseren Gedanken und unseren
Herzen bei den Frauen,
die überzeugt sind, dass in der rk Kirche
Frauen in wichtigen Ämtern gebraucht werden,
und die sich deshalb heute zur Diakonin oder zur Priesterin weihen lassen.

Gruppe Rk Priesterinnen

deutsch english französisch

Women and Men for Equality in the ROman Catholic Church
homepage: www.virtuelle-dioezese.de
mailto: priesterinnen@forestfactory.de

N E W S L E T T E R    Pentecoste     20007

Dear friends and supporters,

Today in Canada there is the ordination of

Womendeacons and womenpriests.

Also there will be ordained one man.

One of those who will be ordained as womenpriests is

Marie Bouclin,

the former leader of WOMEN'S oRDINATION WORLDWIDE (WOW)

Marie Bouclin is a high-qualified woman who is working for the ordination of Womenpreists since a long time. She has been a teacher and a former nun. During 12 years she worked as a translator for religions and ethics scripts. Se is the leader of the Catholic Network for Equality of Women.

In August 2006 she was ordained as a deacon.

One of her main subject is the abuse of women by priests. Se is the Author of the book: WOMEN DEALING WITH ABUSE OF POWER IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (LITURGICAL PRESS, 2006)

Regarding the ordination in Canada, a texte from 


CONTACT: Nidza Vázquez: 703 352-1006 nvazquez@womensordination.org

"Five Roman Catholic Women to be Ordained in Toronto

Washington, D.C . — On Sunday, May 27, 2007, one Canadian and two American
women will be ordained as priests, and one American woman and two
Canadians (a man and a woman) will be ordained as deacons in the Roman
Catholic Church. The ordinations will take place in Toronto, Ontario, at
the West Hill United Church beginning at 3:00PM. A pass is required for
admission, and there will be a press conference after the ceremony. The
Women's Ordination Conference (WOC) supports these ordinations
wholeheartedly as one of the ways women are renewing the church.

“We support the women and men who are answering God’s call to make a
difference in the Catholic Church and society,” stated Aisha Taylor, WOC’s
Executive Director. “As we have seen with the women ordained in recent
years, Catholics are accepting them as priests and vibrant communities are
being formed. Catholic women are ministering to the needs that were not
being met, and together, these groups are working to improve their
communities and bring about social justice. This is changing the Church in
profound ways.”

For thirty-two years, WOC has advocated women's ordination in the Catholic
Church, with the mission of renewing the church by fully including women
and creating more just structures.

“The Vatican’s ban on ordaining women is not consistent with Jesus’
ministry and it is a form of sexism,” Taylor said. “It also contradicts
its own research; in 1976, the Pontifical Biblical Commission determined
that there is no scriptural reason to prohibit women’s ordination. We also
know of over 400 women who feel called by God to ordination. There is
every reason to ordain women and no sound reason not to,” continued Taylor.

“Once women are fully integrated into all aspects of the church, including
the ordained ministries, the entire church will be able to fully reflect
the glory and gifts of all God's people. Today, we celebrate and support
the brave people who are taking action now to make this a reality. They
are breaking the male-only boundaries within the Roman Catholic hierarchy
in order to transform it,” Taylor concluded.
We will be with our thought near these women in Canada, who are convinced that it
is necessary, that there are women in the Roman Catholic Church, and who therefore are ready to be ordained today.


deutsch english französisch


Groupe des femmes prêtres  C.R. .(Catholiques  Romaines )
pour l’Europe  OCCIDENTALE

Cher amis,

Ces jours c'est l'ordination de
femme-diacres et femmes pretres
en Canada

Ici une texte en anglais de
Women' Ordination Conference
CONTACT: Nidza Vázquez: 703 352-1006 nvazquez@womensordination.org

"Five Roman Catholic Women to be Ordained in Toronto

Washington, D.C . — On Sunday, May 27, 2007, one Canadian and two American
women will be ordained as priests, and one American woman and two
Canadians (a man and a woman) will be ordained as deacons in the Roman
Catholic Church. The ordinations will take place in Toronto, Ontario, at
the West Hill United Church beginning at 3:00PM. A pass is required for
admission, and there will be a press conference after the ceremony. The
Women's Ordination Conference (WOC) supports these ordinations
wholeheartedly as one of the ways women are renewing the church.

“We support the women and men who are answering God’s call to make a
difference in the Catholic Church and society,” stated Aisha Taylor, WOC’s
Executive Director. “As we have seen with the women ordained in recent
years, Catholics are accepting them as priests and vibrant communities are
being formed. Catholic women are ministering to the needs that were not
being met, and together, these groups are working to improve their
communities and bring about social justice. This is changing the Church in
profound ways.”

For thirty-two years, WOC has advocated women's ordination in the Catholic
Church, with the mission of renewing the church by fully including women
and creating more just structures.

“The Vatican’s ban on ordaining women is not consistent with Jesus’
ministry and it is a form of sexism,” Taylor said. “It also contradicts
its own research; in 1976, the Pontifical Biblical Commission determined
that there is no scriptural reason to prohibit women’s ordination. We also
know of over 400 women who feel called by God to ordination. There is
every reason to ordain women and no sound reason not to,” continued Taylor.

“Once women are fully integrated into all aspects of the church, including
the ordained ministries, the entire church will be able to fully reflect
the glory and gifts of all God's people. Today, we celebrate and support
the brave people who are taking action now to make this a reality. They
are breaking the male-only boundaries within the Roman Catholic hierarchy
in order to transform it,” Taylor concluded.

Nous voulons etre cette pentecote avec nos femmes, qui pensent qu'elle est necessaire d'avoir des femmes dans L'eglise Catholique Romain.

Roman Catholic Womenpriests

deutsch english französisch

 Aktuelles   Einführung   Kirchliche Arbeit   Solidaritätsbekundungen   Aktionen   Buch   Diakoninnen   Priesterinnen   Bischöfinnen   katakombenweihe   Verfassung-Constitution   Presseerklärungen   Newsletter   Hirtinnenbrief   Klage   Neue Buecher   Exerzitien   Ausbildung   Links   woc   Photos   diakoninnenweihe-2002.Österreich   priesterinnenweihe-2002.Donau   Diakoninnenweihe-2004   Priesterinnenweihe-2005.Lyon   Weihe-St.-Lawrence-River.Canada-2005   Priesterinnenweihe-Schweiz-2006   Pittsburgh-Ordination-2006.php   USA-Mid-west-2008.php   Canada-West-2008.php   USA-East-2008.php   USA-West-California-2008.php   USA-West-Oregon-Ordination.php   USA-South-2008.php   Priesterinnenweihe-2017. Wisconsin, Aptos, California, Annapolis, Maryland, Catonsville, Maryland, Trondheim, Norway, Sylvania, Ohio, Albany, New York, Sarasota, Florida   Council 2017, RCWP-USA, July 11-14 The majority of RCWP-USA members will gather in Middleton, WI at Holy Wisdom Monastery from July 11-14 for Council 2017.php  

e-mail priesterinnen@forestfactory.de